The Communication Director, Kwabena Berma Pobi has stated that , the Ghanaian youth and the young at heart have been good to us especially since Patriotic Gents re-strategized in August 2019. We have enjoyed so much patronage and acceptance, especially with our teaming committed Grassroots. It has been one success story, after the other. We say thank you to all who have helped in diverse ways to raise these number making the group the largest in the country currently. We also thank all who have contributed or participated in our uncountable number of philanthropic activities Since August 2019.
“Patriotic GentsAgenda 200,000 Grassroots for 4,000,000 Votes by October 2020 Ending is on course. 200,000 grassroots who pledge to convince 20 voters each would equal 4,000,000(four million) voters for the NPP in the Month of November. 157000 as of Friday 0ctober 2020 is a miles stonebut we are poised to hit the target by close of the month of October 2020. Let us do this together as always. We have done more than this before so we can do it again. We succeeded in disrupting the NDCs grassroots comfortable lead strategy, which has resulted in frustration in their campaign and discouragement in their camps. We will continue to intercept their strategies and reverse it like we have done so far since August 2019. We did 157,000 in our usual silent approach, let us finish hard as always. We are men of courage and achievers at heart by all standards, let us achieve one more time together”,Mr Kwabena Berma Pobi noted.
Below is the full statement
Patriotic Gents Agenda 200,000 Grassroots for 4,000,000 Votes
The Ghanaian youth and the young at heart have been good to us especially since Patriotic Gents re-strategized in August 2019. We have enjoyed so much patronage and acceptance, especially with our teaming committed Grassroots. It has been one success story, after the other. We say thank you to all who have helped in diverse ways to raise these number making the group the largest in the country currently. We also thank all who have contributed or participated in our uncountable number of philanthropic activities Since August 2019.
The NPP Party executives have been phenomenal, especially the executives at the regions and constituencies, since out target was mainly the grassroots in the immediate effect. Some national Executives have also been wonderful, especially from the office of the National Organizers and the Youth Wing. The Vice Presidents office has also been represented any time we called on them, the First ladys office has been our Pride and our invitations for collaboration is been more than appreciated.
The Information Ministers office has also been more than helpful in our course and we cannot forget the Danquah Institute. The General Secretary has always committed to meet up but the demanding nature of his duties and time schedules have not paved the way. Encouragement from his office however has been very soothing. The messages from the Chairmans office have also been very appreciated.
Once again we come before the youth and young at heart, especially the grassroots who have been our main major stakeholders in this success story. The Journey has so far been successful with an over 75% success rate but as determined to meeting every goal, let us all do it together as we have always done.
Patriotic GentsAgenda 200,000 Grassroots for 4,000,000 Votes by October 2020 Ending is on course. 200,000 grassroots who pledge to convince 20 voters each would equal 4,000,000(four million) voters for the NPP in the Month of November. 157000 as of Friday 0ctober 2020 is a miles stonebut we are poised to hit the target by close of the month of October 2020. Let us do this together as always. We have done more than this before so we can do it again. We succeeded in disrupting the NDCs grassroots comfortable lead strategy, which has resulted in frustration in their campaign and discouragement in their camps. We will continue to intercept their strategies and reverse it like we have done so far since August 2019. We did 157,000 in our usual silent approach, let us finish hard as always. We are men of courage and achievers at heart by all standards, let us achieve one more time together.
All hands on deck for Victory 2020!
Maintaining the family to sustain the numbers for Victory 2020.
PG. We say Action Now.
Communication Director
Kwabena Berma Pobi
Story: Sheila Satori Mensa
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