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We are free forever – Western Togoland Secessionists

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In recent news all over the country and the entire world prove that, the Volta part of Ghana want to claim an independence on their own.

They believe that, it’s time they become independent rather to be dependent on Ghana as a country. By so doing, they have started controlling access to the region.

They came up with a a name Western Togoland as they think that’s what best fits them a s country. They also introduced their own national flag and currency.

In recent news, they have blocked road right from Somanya in the eastern region leading to the Volta. The presence of the Ghana Armed Forces were requested to restore normalcy but this has become very difficult as the secessionists will not allow that act. This ended up in arresting some quite number of the activists which sought some other people injured and 1 death.

Recent video made available to suggests that, they (Western Togolandians) are now free forever. They were seen a police pick-up van labeled Sogakooe Police  with serious guns.

It is unknown who whether the police pick-up van was driven by a police officer or a civilian.

In the video, they speak in their dialect claiming they are free forever.

The person who shit the video could be heard saying, those in the van with the rifles are from Mepe and Sogakope.

Watch the video below

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